Author - Rodrigo

Why It’s Not Good to Go Live on Friday

Why It’s Not Good to Go Live on Friday

A website's launch is a momentous occasion that marks so many hours of planning, designing, and developing. It's the moment your site goes live, ready to engage users and showcase your company to the public. Although the anticipation of introducing your website is considerable, the timing of your debut is critical...

Custom web design vs template websites

Difference Between Custom Web Design vs Template Websites

The world today is becoming increasingly digitalised. From government institutions to private offices and non-profit organisations, all are leveraging technology to enhance their efficiency and stay ahead of the curve. Slowly but steadily, businesses are also embracing the change and getting their websites designed or revamped as per the latest industry...

What's the point of Social Media Marketing?

What’s the Point of Social Media Marketing?

It’s 2024 already, and if you are aiming for rapid business growth, it’s high time to leverage social media marketing and create a far-reaching online presence. Yes, in addition to having a well-designed business website, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn and more should be your go-to platforms to voice your brand message, enhance brand...


How to Boost Organic Traffic with SEO?

Finding ways to boost traffic to your brand-new Custom web design can be more than a challenge. The lead scraping, social media flouncing, and navigating the tricky interface of a hundred different dated applications or online tools that promise total marketing success, when the best you’ll get...


The Power of Web Design and Its Impact on Your Audience

In this digital age, users’ attention span is a scarce commodity, and the competition is fierce. Your strategy needs to be perfectly executed to engage, inspire, and convert your audience. If not, your audience won’t blink twice before abandoning your website. And it’s an exceptionally bad sign as


Why are Keywords So Important to Drive Traffic and Leads?

More than 50 per cent of the world population are on the Internet today. With half the population surfing on the World Wide Web, you have unlimited access to these audiences at all times. The medium here is digital marketing. However, online Marketing is vastly different from other...


Why Do You Need Copywriting to Sell Your Products?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There’s one thing we all can agree with - Everyone can build an online store and sell products. However, it’s not the same for all, the challenge to convince people to choose your product over the competitors’ is huge. So, how can you enhance the user's attention and motivate visitors...


7 Reasons to Add a Call-to-action in Every Post You Share On Your Social Media

Your CTA or" Calls-to-Action" is a phrase or a group of powerful words of action that prompts your customer to do exactly what you want. CTAs should inspire someone to convert from a "Maybe" into a "Yes" customer.  While many marketers use CTAs in their blogs and digital PRS, they miss...


Why is Branding Important to Kick-Start Your Business?

9 out of 10 startups ultimately fail! While this is definitely an overwhelming statistic, the comforting news is the reasons for such failures are often easily remedied.  Before we move forward, answer us this - why do you think most of the startups fail? It’s not because of poor idea selection,...

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