What is Display Advertising? How to Get Started?

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Hearing all the buzz about display advertising and want to know what it is?

Let us explain.

Display advertising is a method in which online paid advertising is done in some designated areas of websites, social media platforms, or applications. It can be in the form of eye-catching banners, flashes, texts, images, videos, or audios. The purpose of display advertising is to drive the audience to take your specific desired actions.

How to get started with display advertising?

Lately, display advertising is emerging as an effective way to promote a brand and create awareness. Marketers who want to build a strong online presence and aim to capture immediate user attention are using this model to attract more leads and conversions.

It’s well-established that a well-grounded display advertising campaign can get you the right audience. However, it is so easy to go out of the track, if not planned carefully. This is why it is important to know every how and why before getting started. Here are our tips to help you plan your display ad campaigns effectively –

1. Create catchy ads

Create some captivating visuals and catchy taglines. In the crowd of hundreds of ads, your ad should stand out and attract your audience, then only you can achieve your revenue goals.

To grab your audience, it is necessary to have an appealing ad. Make sure you present your product and service in such a way that they hook in your audience.

2. Create keyword-centric ads

There is no use of catchy ads if they are not optimised.

Use keywords to optimise your ads, as Google will display your ads on websites that use similar keywords as you. Always remember to pay attention to keywords while creating display ads. Consult your SEO experts for the high ranking keywords that you must use in your ads.

3. Include a relevant call to action

The audience will take action only when you encourage them to do so. To serve the purpose, feature a relevant call to action depending on your desired goal of the display ad campaign. Your call to action can include actions like sign up, buying action, checking offers, or visiting the physical stores.

4. Use good videos or animations

Using good videos and animations is the easiest way to grab the attention of your target audience. Videos are interesting and effective and give a more dynamic experience to your customers.

5. Display on the right website

Placement of ads is a critical aspect of display advertising. To win on this, you need to thoroughly know your audience and the websites they are more likely to visit.

For instance, if you want to advertise some women’s apparel, then you must place your ads on popular fashion and lifestyle sites or blogs. On the other hand, if you are a business of wall paints, placing your ads on fashion sites will not get you the desired results. Instead, you should get to the interior designer or architect’s site.

6. Optimise the landing page

For higher conversions, it is necessary to optimise the landing page as well.

Visitors are more likely to get converted when you have an effective landing page. The visitor clicks on your ad, it means they are somewhat interested but they’ll leave if they don’t find your landing page effective. This will bring you nothing but loss, as you have to pay to the ad network without earning any profit with the click. So, always use the best landing page optimisation tactics to win your lead!

It is worth consulting the right display advertising agency like ours to plan your online marketing strategies. Netplanet Digital experts know how to market a brand and generate more ROI – to know more, book a free 30-minute strategy call with us here.

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