How Google Ads New Custom Intent Audiences Can Benefit You?

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Google Ads ex Google AdWords has made paid advertising a robust experience for its Display Network advertisers. Their new feature – Custom Intent Audiences is solely designed to provide advertisers with audiences who seek information and later make a purchase.

To put simply, Custom Intent Audiences help advertisers to target people with a buying intent. These people are already consuming content about your product line and later make a purchase. That means you pay for clicks that add to your revenue.

There’s more of it. Here are five benefits of Google Ads Custom Intent Audiences

1. Access to Your Competitors’ First-Party Data

First-party data is the information about a brand’s customers, including their names, emails, phone numbers, website visit data, and more.

Custom intent audiences allow you to get this information from your competitors’ site with research and analysis of your competitive market. You can gain insights into which of your competitors’ pages are visited frequently and for what keywords.

These keywords can then be used in your custom intent audience campaign. Hence, you will now be marketing your products to your competitors’ visitors.

2. Market Your Products to Your Competitors’ Buyers

To market your products, you may create a retargeting list of your visitors who stick to your website’s specific page. But custom intent audiences allow you to expand your list to other top brands in your industry.

You can add the high-performing product pages of famous brands in your product line to the custom intent audiences and target actual shoppers. Since these audiences are from the best-selling product pages, you will be marketing to high-intent buyers only.

3. Instant Reach to Google Searchers

When it comes to Google rankings, both SEO and paid advertising work at their best, but, SEO takes time, at least 2-6 months to appear on the first page of search results. In contrast, custom intent audiences can gear up your reach.

Use the URLs of websites that are already ranking on the first page of Google in your industry. Add them to your custom intent audiences campaign, and you will get access to everyone who visits those websites.

You can reach those searchers faster than organic SEO campaigns. In addition to this, you can even use the data to rank organically on the search engine result pages (SERPs).

4. Reduces Money Wasted in Google Ads

As mentioned earlier, custom intent audiences allow advertisers to target specific audiences interested in making a purchase. That means your ads won’t be shown to people who are just related to the product line and are not ready to buy at present.

Most advertisers spend a lot of money on ads that do not convert because they aren’t targeted to the right audience. With custom intent audiences, your ad dollars are spent on high-intent people.

5. Cost-effective Targeting

Google Ads also features search ads for high-intent targeting. But due to their effectiveness in reaching out to the most sought-after audience, their CPC (cost-per-click) is more than display ads.

Custom intent audiences, on the other hand, cost less with the same targeting capabilities. If you use the responsive display ad feature, the count of impressions, clicks, and click-through rates (CTR) increases at much lower costs.

If you want to get the most out of custom intent audiences, get in touch with us – connect over a 30-minute free consultation call to discuss your campaigning needs!

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