What are Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)? Are They Worth the Investment?

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When you plan to build an app, you might find yourself at a crossroads whether you should make it web or native.

On the one hand, web apps are easier to share via links, and people tend to use them directly where they don’t need to get into the hassle of installing anything. They happen to be multiplatform, and the reach of such apps are far and wide.

On the other hand, native apps are easier to access on your device; they load fast and have more access to hardware capabilities. They get installed on your phone directly and can work easily in some cases without the internet.

Are you caught between the two?

Here’s the good news for you!

What if you get to enjoy the best of both worlds? Yes, you can, with the help of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). Let’s get into the details quickly:

What are Progressive Web Apps?

A Progressive Web App is a kind of web app – it is built and present on the web but boasts native app capabilities that work for all operating systems.

PWAs have features like push notification and are easily installable on your device. It may sound like an installable website, but they are far better. It gives an extensive web reach with a single code base, along with the appealing features of the native apps. The primary ‘characteristics’ of a PWA include –


By reliability, we mean that it should load instantly and shouldn’t show that the website is down even in the uncertain network conditions.


It should be fast enough to respond quickly to user interactions. The inclusion of smooth animations would help.


A Progressive Web App should be engaging with enhanced user experience and must feel like a natural app on the device.

What’s More to Know?

A PWA has two fundamental components,

Firstly, the manifest is a JSON file that has everything to do with looks, icons, background colors, names.

Secondly, the service worker is a JAVAscript file that works with your browser and creates a layer between the app and the network.

All this allows things such as notification, fast loading, caching, and background sync. Also, the best part is that it also works on desktop devices.

Is It Worth the Investment?

If you are looking forward to building a lighter version of the existing native app that could fetch you more users and better engagement, you must invest in PWAs.

Also, if you happen to be a digital marketer, PWAs are the best medium for online marketing. PWAs allow for push notifications and access to geolocation services, which are needed for online marketing.

A PWA is the best deal for big companies, but initially, it could be a considerable investment for start-ups. So, you must consider all the pros and cons before you move ahead with PWAs.

Now that you know about PWAs, are you ready to embrace it? If you are looking forward to having an outstanding web experience and are willing to transform your E-commerce business, please let us know. We would love to help you.

Contact team Netplanet and schedule a FREE 30-minute strategy call with us!

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