What is DNS & DNS Hosting? How Does Your Website Work?

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DNS stands for Domain Name System, typically it’s the Internet’s phonebook. This Internet system is designed to simplify the web world for users.

A DNS makes it possible for people to access a website and find its content online. Without it, people would need to type in the actual numerical or IP address for the page they want to visit. For example, with DNS, you can use mnemonic domain names like netplanetdigital.com.au or makemytrip.com and be taken directly to the website, which means there’s no need to know and type complex IP addresses.

That said, as a business you must now know about DNS hosting.

DNS hosting provides storage spaces for your website information and IP addresses. This ensures that when someone types in a domain name, they will be directed to the correct website.
The DNS system makes it easy for individuals to navigate the internet as well as be a part of it. This is achieved by translating numerical addresses that computers understand into memorable names.

In this blog, we will discuss both DNS and DNS hosting, including how it works and the critical factors to consider when looking for a DNS provider to host your website. Let’s get started.

DNS Functionality – How it Works?

Computers on the internet that serve content for different websites usually communicate with one another using numbers. These are what we call IP addresses. They make the devices or destinations on the internet unique.

Usually, an IP address can be in a number sequence as follows: 123.456.78. This is the format followed on IP version 4; getting only 4 billion of these IP addresses is possible.

However, their IP addresses version 6 are cropping up quickly. These particular ones use eight segments of four alphanumeric digits. Now, for most people, it is nearly impossible for users to remember the IP addresses of every website they visit. This is where the DNS technology comes in.

Through it, website owners can get a domain name that is relevant, sounds familiar and is easy to remember. This would save potential website users from the trouble of remembering and typing the whole IP address of the website on search engines.

DNS Hosting and How Does It Work

No matter if you have a website offering professional website design services, app development solutions, or any other product/service, it’s a must to get it ‘hosted’.

After purchasing your domain name, you need to tell it the domain name that will be authoritative. The DNS hosting provides and manages the DNS servers, ensuring that when someone types a domain name, the correct IP address is returned quickly and reliably. DNS Hosting entails the following:

DNS Servers

DNS hosting providers maintain a network of servers strategically placed around the world. These servers act as storage for databases. They contain information regarding domain names and their corresponding IP addresses.

Zone Files

Zone files store information about domain names and their corresponding DNS records. The files have data such as the domain name, the authoritative DNS servers for that domain and the DNS records.

DNS Records

DNS records are managed by DNS hosting. These are like the instructions that tell the DNS servers how to direct traffic for a specific domain. Some DNS servers include A records, CNAME records and MX records.

DNS Management Tools

DNS hosting services provide web-based interfaces or management tools that allow domain owners to manage their DNS settings easily. Such include modifying DNS records and updating name servers.

How DNS Impacts Web Hosting

DNS is vital in web hosting because it enables users to access websites through domain names. This is an excellent upgrade from the complicated numerical IP addresses. Here’s how DNS affects your website:

Offers Ease of Access

DNS is vital in web hosting because it enables users to access websites through domain names. This is an excellent upgrade from the complicated numerical IP addresses. Here’s how DNS affects your website:

Confirms Reliability and Redundancy

DNS hosting providers offer redundancy and reliability. This is done by maintaining multiple geographically distributed servers. Through this redundancy, one server failing does not affect the rest. The remaining servers can handle DNS queries, reducing downtime and maintaining website availability.

Improves Website Performance

With efficient DNS management, the website performance can be increased.

Reliable DNS servers ensure quick resolution of domain names to IP addresses. This helps reduce latency, which enhances user experience. Slow DNS responses can lead to slow loading times on websites.

In addition, you must also make sure to hire a leading custom website design company, as their full-stack developers design fast-loading websites that render an excellent user experience.

Ensures Scalability

DNS infrastructure should be scalable to accommodate growing web traffic and expanding online presence. DNS host offers scalable solutions that allow businesses to handle the increased website traffic. Also, it helps with domain management needs without compromising performance or reliability.

Considerations for Selecting a DNS Provider

When selecting a DNS provider, there are several considerations that you need to consider. These will ensure reliable performance and optimal website accessibility. Here are some things to consider:

Uptime Reliability

We recommend you select a provider with a track record of high uptime percentages. This will help minimise the risk of website downtime.

Network Infrastructure

Considering the provider’s network infrastructure and global reach is also essential. This ensures fast and efficient DNS resolution worldwide.

Security Features

Ensure that you look at the security of the DNS host provider. Ensure that they offer robust security measures such as DDoS attack protection. Also, ensure they offer threat monitoring to safeguard your website against cyber threats.


Ensure that the DNS host can accommodate the future growth of your business. Also, ensure the provider offers scalable DNS hosting plans to handle increased traffic and be able to expand the website’s needs without compromising its performance. We advise getting reliable custom website design services in Prestons that will ensure scalability to facilitate your future website needs.

Understanding DNS and DNS hosting is imperative to know how a website operates. Website owners can enhance their online presence by ensuring reliable DNS hosting and selecting a provider with high uptime, robust security and scalability.

For high-performing website design services and unlimited professional support, consider trusting Netplanet Digital. We are Sydney’s top-rated custom website design company – our experts can help elevate your online presence with a stellar website that stands out and performs seamlessly with a reliable DNS hosting provider. Call us today to schedule a free consultation.

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