Winning Content Types to Ace Your Marketing Game

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“Good content is not just storytelling. It is telling your story well.”

Growing competition in cyberspace has made it mandatory for businesses to implement the best content marketing strategies. From bootstrapped startups to thriving multinational corporations, all are leveraging the power of great content to engage their users and convert them to leads.

However, with truckloads of content junk irritating the users, your brand must be providing the most relevant and refined content to your audience. Content marketing is of no use if the user is unable to yield quality information and if the business fails to showcase its products and services effectively.

If you are keen to ace your content writing and promotion game, make sure you are covering the well-accepted types of contents.

Blogs, success stories, white papers, e-books, and infographics are some of the high-performing content types that you should have in your seo marketing calendar. When used the right way, these will keep your audience engaged and help your business prosper. Read on and know what sort of contents can drive for you more success and online dominance –


Blog posts are an interactive way in which businesses form an instant connection with their visitors. A good website blog can assist you in effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), pump up brand awareness, create networking opportunities, and act as a lead generator for your business.

To write a purpose-oriented blog, it is crucial that you organise your content into simplified chunks and ensure that it is understandable. Readers shall not just be presented with redundant blocks of information as it may cause them to jump off the web page and choose your competition over you.

Trivia: If you love to read well-crafted blog contents, do visit the website blog section of Netplanet Digital.


E-books are ranked amongst the top lead generation tools in content marketing. Being interactive, searchable, informative, and portable, they are loved by content consumers all across the globe.
As a matter of fact, e-books are used best when the readers require in-depth information on the particular product or service, and they are not time-constrained. These non-editable electronic books can help in building a positive brand image and boost engagement opportunities.

A unique feature that sets e-books apart from many other content ideas is the download option, which makes it readily available to the users. It gives a personal touch to the audience, along with the convenience of anytime access.

Success stories

Customers always look for reviews before buying any product, and success stories do the perfect job in narrating your proficiency. They act as a valuable tool to communicate your ability to implement well-thought-out ideas and showcase your brilliant achievements.

People are more likely to buy something if they can find the real-life experience of the problems being solved by the product. Success sagas help in building trust among the audience and is a useful tool to have it on your webpage.


Good visual content has a tremendous influence on both digital as well as printed materials. It is one efficient way of combining the best of text, images, and design to represent complex data in a simplified manner.

Infographics are an excellent solution to present details of your brand and its services in an easy-to-digest format. They raise the curiosity of the visitors and keep them engaged on the webpage. Simply put, if you want to catch the attention of your audience in the first place, infographics are your go-to.

White Papers

Unlike a blog post, a white paper is a persuasive, authoritative, and an in-depth report backed up by hard evidence and statistics. It represents a solution to a particular problem and is used by businesses wanting to communicate their industry expertise.

The goal of a whitepaper is not just to solicit the customers, but to inform and persuade them using facts and evidence. If you want to cover something of high importance like comprehensive research on any trending technology, go and create a white paper!

We hope these content ideas will help you present the most relevant content to your audience and make them stick around your brand!

We, the team of Netplanet Digital, are committed to delivering the best content marketing services to our clients. We craft SEO friendly contents that are easy to read, comprehend, and perform the best on search engines.

To know more, schedule a free 30-minute marketing strategy call with our experts and let us know how we can be of help.

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